Bear Business Card Holder Pattern

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Plastic Canvas: 1 pc. 4" x 6"
Yarn: beige—6 yds.; black—1 yd.; brown—28 yds.

  1. From plastic canvas cut out the pieces shown on chart #2. To save canvas, cut the straight fronts and bottom first. The 2 sides (legs) can be cut from pieces removed from around head.
  2. Stitch the beige areas (see color Key). Backstitch the black facial features. Stitch all remaining parts with Brown.
  3. Lace holder together with joining overcast stitches. Attach ends together by matching let­ters.
  4. Overcast all remaining edges.
  5. Attach eyes.

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Pattern © 1982 by Plaid Enterprises, Inc. Reproduced with permission from Plaid. is not endorsed by Plaid.